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Starting a Club

Thank you for your interest in running a club. The starting point for a new club director is the Club Director web page: Registration Packet

You can get to this page from the OVR Home Page:
Find and click on “Directors & Coaches” on the top navigation.
Click on the button labeled “Junior Registration Packet”

On the Packet page, please read the: “Procedures and Rules for Juniors’ Club Directors
The other documents and forms on that page are going to be useful if not necessary for you to manage your club. You will also want to review the other menu options on the “Club Directors” menu mentioned earlier.

Membership Registration:
All participants (Administrators, coaches, players, etc.) must be registered with USA Volleyball and the OVR
Adults and female players pay $67 each for their memberships. Male juniors pay $47. Adults also need $14 background screening through USAV every season.
Prospective players may register for a $10 Tryout Membership in order to attend your tryouts in the Fall. The $10 is deduced from the full registration if they make a team.

Club Creation:
Once the club director is registered in USA Volleyball’s/SportsEngine system, they need to use THIS LINK to create their club in that system.
The OVR receives a notification that a new club is being formed. We then Approve the club and add a five-character Club Code to the request. Within a couple of days, SportsEngine will complete the club creation.
The OVR staff will also create the new club in the OVR system including the Club Director role. We will then send you the five-character Club Code.

Certification Requirements:
All coaches have to be IMPACT certified (Free) good for life
and concussion certified (Free) every 3 years
and SafeSport certified (Free) every season
All coaches, players, and parents must have viewed the Sudden Cardiac Arrest video each year

Managing your Club:
In the OVR system, there is a separate “OVR Login” link at the top right of the OVR Members home page:
OVR Usernames are typically your first initial followed by your last name. Like: kschiffer
After you have logged in, the link at the top of the home page changes to: “My Account”.
Under that link you will see: “My Club”. Here is when you can see all of the coaches and players in the OVR system.
You can easily see who is missing which certifications. Time to start bugging them!
After you have started to build your roster, you can also add uniform numbers and junior official certifications through the link: “Update Players Info”.
When you have at least 6 players on a team’s roster, they all have uniform numbers entered and the team is registered for at least three OVR tournaments for American and Regional teams or two OVR and a third OVR or a USAV tournaments for National teams, then you can register them for the OVR Girls Championships by checking their box under the columns labeled: “OVR Girls Championships”

Advanced Events Systems (AES):
This system is used by many of the Qualifiers and we are using it for most of our bigger OVR
tournaments. It has its own roster building and tournament entering system. The key again is you
cannot add anyone to an AES roster who has not picked your club in SportsEngine. Here is a link to their FAQ which starts with how a club is formed in their system:

General Club Questions:
Girls Clubs – Beth Sander, OVR Girls Program Director [email protected]
Boys Clubs – Matt Mihelic, OVR Boys Program Director [email protected]
Registration questions: [email protected]
Concussion certifications: [email protected]
SafeSport questions: Diane Hood – [email protected]
Team Uniform Questions – Brian Hemelgarn [email protected]
Remember to start with the Procedures and Rules
If/when you have questions, do not hesitate to send us a note.