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Junior Advisory Board

Mission Statement

The mission of the Junior Advisory Board (JAB) is to advise the Ohio Valley Region (OVR) Board of Directors on policies, procedures, and best practices to benefit the clubs and teams in the OVR. The JAB meets as needed and is led under the guidance of the Commissioner and Girl's & Boy's Program Directors.

Equal representation on the JAB comes from four types of clubs:
Full-Service Clubs - Facility-owned clubs
Large Clubs - Clubs with 16 or more teams
Mediums Clubs - Clubs with 5-15 teams
Small Clubs - Clubs with less than five teams

Members serve on a rotating three-year basis, so new representatives join the JAB annually to allow all clubs the opportunity to directly support the OVR in its mission. Club Directors can contact any member of the JAB with their concerns or suggestions.


2022-2023 JAB Members

Meeting Minutes
