Home » Directors & Coaches » Playing Age Definitions
Within the OVR, teams are classified as National (11s-18s), American (12s-17s), and Regional. National teams should consist of highly skilled athletes that compete at the highest levels of competition within and outside of the Ohio Valley Region. Regional teams consist of athletes from the beginner to the highly skilled and compete at various levels of competition based on their teams’ composition. Regional teams do not participate in the OVR National Power Challenge, Power League, or Bid Tournament. Teams in the American division do not desire the travel associated with the National division, but want a stronger level of competition than the Regional division.
Players need not be currently enrolled in high school except as noted below. Once a player participates in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, he/she is ineligible to play in any regional or national JNC qualifying and championship events.
Age | “Traditional” USAV Definition | OVR “Grade-Level” Definition |
18 & Under | Teams with players born on or after July 1, 2006, or are high school students in the twelfth (12th) grade or below during the current academic year and are 19 years of age or younger (born on or after July 1, 2005) | |
17 & Under | Teams with players born on or after July 1, 2007, or players who were born on or after July 1, 2006 (18 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eleventh grade (11th) during the current academic year will be allowed to participate in the 17 an under age division. This age waiver is still subject to frozen roster rules. (This age waiver is based on recruiting concerns for girls in the 11th grade who would otherwise be required to participate in girls 18’s qualifiers and the Girls 18’s GJNC.) | |
16 & Under | Teams with players born on or after July 1, 2008 | Teams with players who are in the 10th grade or below during the current academic year |
15 & Under | Teams with players born on or after July 1, 2009 | Teams with players who are in the 9th grade or below during the current academic year |
14 & Under | Teams with players born on or after July 1, 2010 | Teams with players who are in the 8th grade or below during the current academic year |
13 & Under | Teams with players born on or after July 1, 2011 | Teams with players who are in the 7th grade or below during the current academic year |
12 & Under | Teams with players born on or after July 1, 2012 | Teams with players who are in the 6th grade or below during the current academic year |
11 & Under | Teams with players born on or after July 1, 2013 | Teams with players who are in the 5th grade or below during the current academic year |
10 & Under | Teams with players born on or after July 1, 2014 | Teams with players who are in the 4th grade or below during the current academic year |
9 & Under | Teams with players born on or after July 1, 2015 | Teams with players who are in the 3rd grade or below during the current academic year |
8 & Under | Teams with players born on or after July 1, 2016 | Teams with players who are in the 2nd grade or below during the current academic year |
Boys’ 14 & Under | Regionally waived boys teams in the 14 and under age group will be allowed to participate at the USA Junior Olympic Volleyball Championships using the following age/grade definition: Players who were born on or after July 1, 2010 or Players who were born on or after July 1, 2009 (15 years or younger) who shall neither have completed nor are in a grade higher than the eighth grade (8th) grade during the current academic year. (This exception is based on the net height difference of 7’4 1/8″ to 7′ 11 5/8″ between the 14 and Under Division to the 15 and Under Division.) The same is true for 13s and 12s with their respective birthdates and grades. |
Note: These age definitions are used for used by domestic club programs and are typically not the same as the age definitions for the International and Domestic High Performance programs.
The Ohio Valley Region permits clubs with athletes that are in a grade of school, but do not conform to the USA Volleyball age definition for that grade, to form grade-level teams in the American and Regional divisions of competition that include these athletes. This designation will replace waivers for athletes in grades 8 and below, and will include athletes and teams in all grades. It will no longer be necessary to apply for a waiver, nor will there be any other extra paperwork. Note:
Registering teams and including information for rosters: Athletes who fail to comply with the age definitions defined by USA Volleyball can be included on American or Regional teams of their grade in school. The club director must register the team as a grade-level American or Regional team. The grade of all athletes, regardless of age, must be included with each registration.
Grade-level American or Regional teams will be considered as American or Regional teams for all in-region competition. There will be no restrictions placed on these teams for any American or Regional events. There will not be a third level of championships at the OVR Girls’ Volleyball Championships or the OVR Boys’ Volleyball Championships. For example, a team that is registered as a girls’ 14-and-Under grade-level Regional team will play in the 14 Regional level of the OVR Girls’ Volleyball Championships..
Other regions are not permitted to waive a grade-level team into a Regional event for their primary age definition. A grade-level team that competes in an out-of-region Regional event must comply with the USA Volleyball age definitions for the oldest member of the team. Grade level teams may not drop grade-level athletes to compete out of region.
Girls’ teams may be registered as Regional (11s-18s), American (12s-17s), or National (11s-18s). There is no distinction for 10-and-Under (10U). National teams are intended to consist of more talented players who wish to play at a higher skill and tactical level, occasionally competing out-of-region or at the national level. American teams are more competitive than Regional teams, but do not wish to compete at the National level.
(This table is also available as a standalone document: OVR Girls’ Divisions of Play.)
Only players registered on National teams are eligible for regular-season National events.
National teams can only play in National events within the OVR.
Exception: 11 National may play in 12 American events.
Regional teams can only play in Regional events within the OVR.
Example: Teams may play up in age; e.g. a 16 Regional team may enter a 17 Regional tournament.
Only 17 American teams may play up in the next age level of Regional tournaments.
Grade-level Regional and American teams must play at the age-appropriate level of their oldest player outside the OVR, Keystone and Pioneer Regions.
Any division of players (National, American, or Regional) may participate in “and Under” or “U” tournaments.
A National player may not play on any Regional or American team regardless of age. An American or Regional player may be moved to a National team with the permission of the respective OVR Girls’ or Boys’ Program Director.
Players may not be on the roster of multiple teams within the same tournament.
Clubs may not register phantom or shell teams to provide a vehicle to aid in organizing player movements from team to team. eg., shifting of complete teams or multiple players from a Regional, American or National team to the other to permit playing in both competition divisions and/or attending OVR Bid tournaments.
A club may not alter any registered team roster by more than two players for major OVR tournaments e.g. (bids and championships) without special written consideration from the respective OVR Girls’ or Boys’ Program Director.
Any club or team found violating the competition policies will be sanctioned as if an age violation had occurred following the USA Volleyball Age Falsification Policy (Adopted By USA Volleyball Board of Directors, January 19, 2002).
(Adopted By USA Volleyball Board of Directors, January 19, 2002)
For all USA Volleyball corporate events, any person who alters any document that certifies the age of a participant, or falsifies any statement which lists the age of a participant, will be sanctioned as follows:
Any team representative, coach, program director or responsible adult found to be party to such action shall:
A junior player who knowingly plays in a lower age classification than he or she is actually eligible for, or an adult player who knowingly plays in a higher age classification than he or she is actually eligible for shall:
When discovered and confirmed during an event, these penalties shall be the required minimum penalty imposed by the Event Arbitrator or the Event Ethics and Eligibility Appeals Committee.
The Event Arbitrator or the Event Ethics and Eligibility Appeals Committee may recommend a more severe penalty. The Event Arbitrator or the Event Ethics and Eligibility Appeals Committee shall file a report of any age violation with the Corporation’s Ethics and Eligibility Committee and with the registering Member Organization with its recommendation.