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Elections shall be held every year electronically, by mail-in ballot, and/or in person. Voting begins April 1 and ends May 15.

Prior to the election, the Nomination and Election Committee, as established in the Operating Code, will prepare a ballot. Each adult member of the OVR is entitled to vote for not more than five (5) persons listed on the ballot. The Nomination and Election Committee will report the election results to the Commissioner/President for certification not more than one week after the election process, and after certified by the Commissioner/President, the Election Chair will inform the candidates in writing of the election results. The results of the election will be posted on/or before the next annual meeting of the Board of Directors.

  1. One-third (1/3) of the Board (i.e., five (5) Directors) will be elected each year at the Regional Adults’ and Juniors’ Championships for a term of three (3) years. If a person who is not on the Board wishes to run for the Board, he/she will be required to obtain a petition form from the Commissioner/President or Corporate office. To be valid, this petition must be signed by twenty-five (25), in writing or electronically, by currently registered adult members of the OVR. The petition must be presented to the Nomination and Election Committee not later than twenty-one (21) days prior to the first day of the annual election. Existing Directors wishing to run for re-election must notify the Nomination and Election Committee of their intent no later than twenty-one (21) days prior to the first day of the annual election.
  2. All members elected as a director will assume office for a three-year term commencing June 1. An individual may hold no more than one voting position on the Board at any time.

    Search for Candidates for the 2024 Board of Director’s Elections

    OVR Board of Directors 2024

    Please consider running for the Board of Directors for the Ohio Valley Region of USA Volleyball in 2024.
    The term of office begins June 1, 2024 and ends May 31, 2027.

    Duties for the Board of Directors shall include but not be limited to the following:

    1. Attend all regularly scheduled meetings and any special meetings that may be necessary for the functioning of the OVR, Inc. Meetings are held in June, October, and January and added as needed.
    2. Provide to the Commissioner advance notice of non-attendance of Board meetings and events. A Director may be removed for non-attendance at Board of Directors meetings for two consecutive absences without advanced notification/approval from the Commissioner/President, whether or not a new term of office is being assumed.
    3. Serve as appointed officers, or chairpersons of committees, divisions, or subdivisions of the Corporation.
    4. Determine Delegates to the National Assembly.
    5. Approve the budget for each officer or staff position.

If you are interested in running for the Board of Directors for the Ohio Valley Region of USA Volleyball in 2024 please do the following:
Log into your OVR account (NOT SportsEngine) through the “Adult Login” link on the OVR Home Page.
After logging in, click on the “Continue” button.
Now in the upper right menu, click on: “My Account”
Look for “Declare Yourself as a Candidate”
Complete the form.
You can then ask your collegues to follow the same steps as above but to click on: “Sign a Candidate’s Petition”.
You will need 25 online signatures.

If you want to do it via paper, complete the following form Candidate Profile and Petition

Then complete the forms and
Send them to:
Linnea Wolf
OVR Elections/BOD 2024
PO Box 1303
Westerville, OH 43086

Or email the forms to:
[email protected]

Deadline is March 27, 2024