USA Volleyball: Ohio Valley Region
Men's C Standings (Final)

Information on this page provided by Emi Vishoot, OVR Men's Tournament Director.

These are the final standings going into the Regional Championships.

Generated: 10 Apr 1997   @ 15:35:14

          TEAM                 TOT     TOT     SEED    SEED
          NAME                 TRNY    PNTS    TRNY    PNTS   COEFF   SEED
          ----                 ----    ----    ----    ----   -----   ----
Serve It Up Sports/GVC (C)       5      55       5      55    11.00      1
Applebee's (C)                   5      53       5      53    10.60      2
Rig/Sandcrabs II (C)             7      58       5      52    10.40      3
Big Dogs VB (C)                  7      51       5      51    10.20      4
Charleston Gang I (C)            2      16       2      16     8.00      5
Rig/Sandcrabs I (C)              5      37       5      37     7.40      6
Tribute (C)                      6      39       5      36     7.20      7
Vertical Horizon (C)             7      33       5      31     6.20      8
NOJAC (C)                        3      12       3      12     4.00      9
Akron VBC/AVC 1 (C)              4      15       4      15     3.75     10
Charleston Gang II (C)           2       6       2       6     3.00     11
Otterbein (C)                    4      10       4      10     2.50     12
Three Rivers VB (C)              4       6       4       6     1.50     13

Related information

* Tournaments reflected in the seedings shown above
* Explanation of the seeding system

Ohio Valley Region Home Page
Nick Nystrom (
Last updated April 11, 1997