USA Volleyball: Ohio Valley Region
Men's AA Standings (Final)

Information on this page provided by Emi Vishoot, OVR Men's Tournament Director.

These are the final standings going into the Regional Championships.

Generated: 10 Apr 1997   @ 15:35:14

          TEAM                 TOT     TOT     SEED    SEED
          NAME                 TRNY    PNTS    TRNY    PNTS   COEFF   SEED
          ----                 ----    ----    ----    ----   -----   ----
Beaver Steel (AA)                1      25       1      25    25.00      1
Westway (AA)                     6     113       5     109    21.80      2
Westerville (AA)                 6      96       5      87    17.40      3
Sports Express (AA)              3      30       3      30    10.00      4
First Tele Inc. (AA)             4      33       4      33     8.25      5
TDCI/DiMarco's (AA)              4      28       4      28     7.00      6#

# based on actual points earned in AA tournaments; extra points for "playing
  up" are reflected in A seeding.

Related information

* Tournaments reflected in the seedings shown above
* Explanation of the seeding system

Ohio Valley Region Home Page
Nick Nystrom (
Last updated April 11, 1997